Germantown Academy welcomed Dr. 迈克尔·福林将于周一在中学发表演讲, March 6, 在霍尼克曼礼堂,作为健康周的一部分.
Jonas Jeswald
Head of Middle School
Sarah Zimmerman
Academic Dean
Kate Cassidy
Director of Student Life
Julie Marley
Assistant to the Head of Middle School
MIDDLE School Stories
Welcome to Middle School!
6th – 8th Grade
Middle School at GA, in its purist form, is a series of moments that create opportunities for transformational experiences: sixth graders explore an author in-depth during their author study project; seventh graders travel to Boston; eighth graders immerse themselves in complex and detailed science fair projects. 学生领导部门早会,周五下午一起滑雪,并参加 community service; advisees develop important relationships with their advisor and learn to become self-advocates who are active participants in their learning; athletes participate, defend and score; artists and actors 练习、表演、展示……这样的例子不胜枚举.
Ask a faculty 为什么他或她在我们学校教书 Independent Middle School, 你可能会听到这样的回答:“我爱学生们, their energy, and the substance of the middle school years.问一名GA中学的学生,他或她最喜欢GA的什么,最常见的回答是:“我的老师。.“当你进入我们的大厅时,你会发现强大的师生关系导致活跃, 沉浸在变得独立的过程中的参与型学习者, confident, compassionate, collaborative and honorable human beings.
Innovative Programs
Leadership Lab
领导实验是七年级的必修课,在第二学期进行一次轮换. 在学习了一个好的领导者的素质和做一个好的追随者的重要性之后, 学生在小组中工作,以支持当地社区组织的需求.
1:1 Tablet PC Program
1:1的平板电脑计划为我们的学生提供了接触世界的机会,并加强了与老师的交流. 除了在每节课上使用平板电脑,每天晚上把它们带回家, 学生们每轮也要上一次技术课程.
– Christin K., Lower Gwynedd
我永远不会忘记这句话,当时我还是个五年级的学生. 那时我就知道GA是适合她的地方.
在这里的两年里,她参加了高级课程,甚至有一个学期的成绩都是a. She is definitely where she needs to be.
Founder's Day
Every year on December 6, 中学生认识到学校的成立, which took place in 1759. 学生们唱着母校的歌,用无人机拍一张学校年龄形状的班级照片.
Learning doesn't just take place in the classroom; yearly grade-level trips allow students to practice team-building and witness history come to life.
Greek Day
Held on a Friday in late May, 希腊日是一个班级团结的日子,中学生们在这一天以城邦的形式竞争一系列的智力和身体挑战.